Stand Strong and Firmly in the Lord
Stand strong and firmly in the Lord with strength from His great might,
And put your battle armor on, God's armor of pure light.
We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but hosts from dark domain,
Whose evil schemes cannot deceive those armed for Christ's campaign.
Embrace God's all-sufficient truth, hold fast to His sure Word,
That you, now freed, might live in deed the gospel which you've heard.
Surround your soul with righteousness, the Spirit's work divine,
That fleshly lusts might not impede your fruit in Christ, the Vine.
Secure your stance in Christ alone, the gospel of your peace;
With confidence in His great love your cares and fears will cease.
Steadfast in faith, God's gracious gift, you're shielded to withstand
The evil one who flees from all who trust in God's right hand.
Engage your mind on things above where Christ your Savior reigns,
Whose presence is your life and joy, Whose glory is your gain.
Unsheath and wield God's Holy Word, the Spirit's conq'ring sword,
For Satan's snares all fail when met with: "Thus says God, the Lord."
Entreat your God through Christ, your Rock, with Spirit-guided prayers
That boldly rise to seek His grace for all the saints to share.
Worship the Lamb Whose blood procured your path to victory,
For you, in Him, may overcome and stand triumphantly.
Copyright © 2021 by Joseph Kincaid. All rights reserved.