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Before God's Throne of Grace
Before God's Throne of Grace
Before God's throne of grace I bow in awe on bended knee.
His glory, heard in all His vows, shines there eternally
With splendor from His sov'reign crown and robe of majesty.
Before God's throne of grace I find His holiness and might;
His wisdom far exceeds the mind with ways proved just and right;
His love endures forever kind. All these are His delight.
Before God's throne of grace I see His Son, the Son of Man,
Who bore my sin on Calvary as God's pure faithful Lamb
To rise with healing wounds that free: my Christ, the great I Am.
Before God's throne of grace I hear My Savior gently say,
"God's vengeful wrath you need not fear— you're clothed in My array.
My precious blood has brought you near; draw close, joint heir, and stay.
Before God's throne of grace I plead with confidence and rest;
His Spirit groans within to lead my heart to God's true best.
My Great High Priest shall intercede perfecting each request.
Before God's throne of grace I bring sweet praises to His name,
For "He alone is King of kings," with joy I now exclaim.
With grateful love my tongue will sing and of His truth proclaim.
Before God's throne of grace I'll stand with those He's made complete,
When Christ our Lord at God's right hand calls home His bride to meet.
We'll cast our crowns, our heart's demand, down at His nail-pierced feet.
Christ's Blood Was Shed for Me
Christ's Blood Was Shed for Me
Verse Lyrics: Isaac Watts
Music & Chorus Lyrics: Joseph Kincaid
Not all the blood of beasts on Jewish altars slain,
Could give the guilty conscience peace or wash away each stain.
But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, takes all our sins away;
A sacrifice of nobler name, and richer blood than they.
Hallelujah to the Lamb once slain for my sin on Calvary
It is finished, yes, the price was paid!
For Christ's blood was shed for me.
My faith would lay its hand on that dear head of Thine,
While, like a penitent I stand, and there confess my sin.
My soul looks back to see the burden Thou didst bear
When hanging on that cursed tree; I know my guilt was there.
Believing, we rejoice to see the curse removed;
We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice and sing His bleeding love.
God's Peace
God's Peace
God's peace was made when His great love and faithfulness embraced
Upon the cross, as His wrath slew The Righteous in our place.
Christ's death, for us, has rent the veil, God's Law He satisfied
To bring us near, alive in Him, with Whom we're crucified.
God's peace we have by grace through faith in Christ, His risen Son,
Whose cleansing blood has purged our sins and our redemption won.
In Christ, to God we're reconciled, His wrath for sin appeased,
No longer foes but righteous sons with whom He's justly pleased.
God's peace endures forever sure; unshaken it shall stand,
For none can bend His mighty arm or pluck us from His hand.
Though storms may rage while Satan roars, and persecutions rise,
We overcome and stand complete in Christ our heav'nly prize.
God's peace shall rule the trusting heart and guard the steadfast mind.
May this transcendent grace be ours through prayer and thanks combined.
We rest in Christ, our Prince of Peace, Whose love expels all fear
And fills our hearts with longing joy as our Blessed Hope draws near.
The holiness of God Most High, which He alone may claim,
Gives splendor to His majesty and vindicates His name.
The essence of His nature's light, the cause for fear and dread,
His holiness shall rightly judge the living and the dead.
The holiness of God's sure word brings forth His perfect end,
Revealing truth and righteousness, exposing every sin.
By holiness His mighty word shall reign forever pure
Establishing His faithfulness with promises secure.
The holiness of Christ, the Lamb, adorned in flesh, attained
The witness of His Father's joy with pleasure unrestrained.
In holiness this Righteous One made sin for us was slain;
Once sanctified through His shed blood, we're freed from sin's strong chains.
The holiness of Him Who dwells in us, Christ's chosen bride,
Bears witness that we're born of God and to the flesh have died.
In holiness the Spirit speaks to comfort, grieve, and guide
That we might bear His righteous fruit and in His strength abide.
Ascribe to God the glory due His great and worthy name,
Presenting Him your sacrifice, your body void of shame.
Conduct your life in holiness; let nothing there impede,
And put to death your sinful flesh with all its thoughts and deeds.
I Rest in Christ
I Rest in Christ
I rest in Christ, the Word of God,
by Whom all things consist.
He died and rose to dwell in me
with life that shall persist,
with life that shall persist.
I rest in Christ, my spotless Lamb,
Whom God with pleasure bruised.
Upon my cross of sin and shame
Christ hung as the accused;
Christ hung as the accused.
I rest in Christ, whose cleansing blood
shed once for my defense
now pleads before God's throne, that He
might pardon my offense,
might pardon my offense.
I rest in Christ, whose righteous works
became my very own;
arrayed in these, I'm justified
by grace through faith alone,
by grace through faith alone.
I rest in Christ, my conquering King,
my God in Whom I trust.
Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I dread?
For all His foes are dust;
for all His foes are dust.
I rest in Christ, whose faithful love
for me, His chosen bride,
will never fail, nor be subdued,
nor even once subside,
nor even once subside.
I rest in Christ, my living hope,
secured and undefiled,
Who longs to stand with joy and greet
the church He's reconciled,
the church He's reconciled.
In Christ
In Christ
In Christ I was chosen, appointed to bear
the fruit of His nature, His glories to share.
In Christ I'm created, a work of God's grace;
my new heart now seeks Him His truth to embrace.
In Christ I found mercy, my sin debt He paid,
God's full weight of just wrath upon Him was laid.
In Christ I've redemption from sin's cursed flood,
eternal forgiveness obtained by His blood.
In Christ I'm made holy, God's temple to fill,
His vessel of honor equipped for His will.
In Christ I am righteous: His works unto me
by faith were imputed that just I would be.
In Christ I've rich blessings from heaven's abode:
God's gift of His Spirit in love He bestowed.
In Christ I'm established, anointed, and sealed;
the hope He has promised shall not be repealed.
In Christ I'm united with Him in His grave
to life free from bondage, no longer sin's slave.
In Christ I've sweet union with all who abide
as one in His body: His church, His dear bride.
In Christ I'm accepted, for God's pleased to see
His Son's perfect image revealed now in me.
In Christ I'm adopted, joint heir with my Lord,
eternally seated with Christ: my Reward.
Jesus Paid It All
Jesus Paid It All
Lyrics: Elvina M. Hall
Music: Joseph Kincaid
I hear the Savior say,
“Thy strength indeed is small!
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all.”
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain—
He washed it white as snow.
Lord, now indeed I find
Thy pow’r, and Thine alone,
Can change the leper’s spots
And melt the heart of stone.
For nothing good have I
Whereby Thy grace to claim—
I’ll wash my garments white
In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb.
And when before the throne
I stand in Him complete,
“Jesus died my soul to save,"
My lips shall still repeat.
Let Us Worship Christ
Let Us Worship Christ
Let us worship Christ our King and praise His worthy name;
May we join with humble hearts and sing to Christ Whom we proclaim.
Let us ponder His great majesty, His holiness and might;
May we bow in awe with thanks and see His goodness, grace, and light.
Let us worship Christ Who bore God's wrath for all our sin;
May we slay our flesh, which wages war, that He might reign within.
Let us cast aside each sinful deed and ways of life that bind;
May we run our race with eyes He's freed and never look behind.
Let us worship Christ alone and serve Him all our days;
May we trust His Word and not our own and choose His righteous ways.
Let us love Him with full heart and soul and give to Him first place;
May we yield our lives to His control and trust His work of grace.
Let us worship Christ Who gave His body to be slain;
May His love compel our hearts to crave His presence as great gain.
Let us dedicate our lives to be a holy fragrance rare;
May we suffer for Him patiently with joy in fervent prayer.
Let us worship Christ the Lord, our Savior, God, and Friend;
May we all stand firm with one accord and for the faith contend.
Let us glory in His cross and preach the gospel without shame;
May we guard His Word and rightly teach the glories of His name.
Let us worship Christ Who came to form His chosen bride;
May our walk be worthy of His name that He'd be glorified.
Let us bear much fruit and walk in love reflecting His pure light;
May we set our minds on Him above and put on Jesus Christ.
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
Lyrics: Lidie H. Edmunds
Music: Joseph Kincaid
My faith has found a resting place,
Not in device nor creed:
I trust the Ever-living One,
His wounds for me shall plead.
I need no other argument,
I need no other plea;
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.
Enough for me that Jesus saves,
This ends my fear and doubt;
A sinful soul I come to Him,
He’ll never cast me out.
My heart is leaning on the Word,
The written Word of God:
Salvation by my Savior’s name,
Salvation through His blood.
My great Physician heals the sick,
The lost He came to save;
For me His precious blood He shed,
For me His life He gave.
Stand Strong and Firmly in the Lord
Stand Strong and Firmly in the Lord
Stand strong and firmly in the Lord with strength from His great might,
And put your battle armor on, God's armor of pure light.
We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but hosts from dark domain,
Whose evil schemes cannot deceive those armed for Christ's campaign.
Embrace God's all-sufficient truth, hold fast to His sure Word,
That you, now freed, might live in deed the gospel which you've heard.
Surround your soul with righteousness, the Spirit's work divine,
That fleshly lusts might not impede your fruit in Christ, the Vine.
Secure your stance in Christ alone, the gospel of your peace;
With confidence in His great love your cares and fears will cease.
Steadfast in faith, God's gracious gift, you're shielded to withstand
The evil one who flees from all who trust in God's right hand.
Engage your mind on things above where Christ your Savior reigns,
Whose presence is your life and joy, Whose glory is your gain.
Unsheath and wield God's Holy Word, the Spirit's conq'ring sword,
For Satan's snares all fail when met with: "Thus says God, the Lord."
Entreat your God through Christ, your Rock, with Spirit-guided prayers
That boldly rise to seek His grace for all the saints to share.
Worship the Lamb Whose blood procured your path to victory,
For you, in Him, may overcome and stand triumphantly.
The Lord, My Helper
The Lord, My Helper
Lord, I come in full surrender; at Your feet I humbly bow.
Know my thoughts and my intentions; my own will do not allow.
Let me cite Your wondrous mercies and extol Your matchless grace.
Help me, Lord, I need Your wisdom: let me hear and then embrace.
Search my heart and pierce my spirit; let Your Word unveil my sin.
Bring to mind my faults and failures so confession may begin.
Let my love for You, my Savior, draw my heart to faithfulness.
Help me, Lord, I need Your power: so I walk in righteousness.
May the world's vain fleeting pleasures not allure me from Your way.
Fill my life full of Your beauty; may I long for You each day.
Let my zeal for You, my Portion, be so strong, so true and bright.
Help me, Lord, I need Your presence: may You be my chief delight.
Light my path, provide Your counsel, as I seek Your Holy Word.
May I wait and try the spirits, till I know Your voice was heard.
Let my hope in Your sure Scriptures be my peace, my joy and rest.
Help me, Lord, I need Your leading: for to do what You deem best.
As I stand amidst the battle, may Your Spirit be my guide.
Set my sights on things eternal; hold my feet, avert my slide.
Let my trust in You, my Fortress, be the Tower in which I hide.
Help me, Lord, I need Your courage in Your service to abide.
The Solid Rock
The Solid Rock
Lyrics: Edward Mote
Music: Joseph Kincaid
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In ev'ry high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found,
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.
What Word Divine!
What Word Divine!
The Word of God, creation's might, who formed the earth and brought forth light,
Stretched out the sky and hedged the land— plants sprouted forth at His command.
Sun, moon, and stars began to shine at His decree. What works divine!
Vast life appeared when He gave call, pure and complete before the fall.
The Word of God, perfection's best, flawless and sure in every test—
It has no fault and cannot fail; it will endure and shall prevail.
God's chosen men were moved to sign His precious words. What truth divine!
His Holy Word faithful and pure, forever set in heav'n secure.
The Word of God, redemption's plan, resolved before the world began,
He left His Father's throne on high to put on flesh that He might die.
He laid it down, His life sublime, for sins of men. What love divine!
He rose again up from the grave triumphantly with might to save.
The Word of God, the gospel's call, proclaimed throughout the world to all,
It will attain God's perfect ends and shall succeed as He intends.
It lifts up Christ, the one true vine, Who saves from sin. What grace divine!
Its truth is heard and seen as light when its good news and faith unite.
The Word of God, the Spirit's sword, a righteous judge sent from the Lord,
To dwell within His chosen bride, to conquer sin and be our guide.
It genders life and will incline our hearts to God. What gift divine!
It is enough for every need, our daily bread and hope indeed.
When Christ Arose
When Christ Arose
When Adam's sin was spread to all, God spoke of One Who would not fall.
Could David's Son both die and live, and how could God man's sins forgive?
When Christ arose His Word prevailed; God's promises will never fail.
The King of kings will ever reign and rescue from sin's dark domain.
It's by God's grace that I perceive; through gifted faith I now believe
That Christ alone died once for sin and rose with might to life again.
When Christ arose He proved to be the Son of God Who holds death's key,
The holy Lamb worthy of praise Who satisfied His Father's ways.
Christ shed His blood upon a tree, its cleansing pow'r revealed in me;
My sins were washed within its flow, now all my stains are white as snow.
When Christ arose He vanquished sin and every foe that strove to win,
Redemption's price completely paid, and peace with God securely made.
Buried with Christ Who died for me, and now I live by His just plea.
The Righteous One now lives in me to sanctify and set me free.
When Christ arose He rose for me. Amazing grace! How can it be?
Eternal life He surely gained for all who call upon His name.
At God's right hand Christ took His seat, above all things He rests His feet.
Our Great High Priest now intercedes as One Who feels our deepest needs.
Since Christ arose, our Mercy Seat, we stand in Him, our Hope complete.
Let us draw near His throne of grace looking to rise and see His face.